Saturday, October 12, 2019

                      Topic- Computer evolution in India.

The development of the computer technologies in India was possible with collaborations of two major forces the Political administration and Government policy advisers bureaucrats and technocrats. Let us elaborate the computer evolution in India with different phases of year.

Phase I

The history of computer technologies evolution in India way started in 1950’s. The first administration to build a digital computer in India was under the leadership of R Narasimhan at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Bombay. The TIFRAC (TIFR Automatic Computer) was started in 1955 and completed in the year 1959. TIFRAC could process upto 2048 word in memory (40 bit word, 15 microsecond cycle time) and for the display output there was a use of Cathode ray tube. TIFRAC was designed to solve the physics problems at TIFR and also in Atomic Energy establishment. With this project India could build and design computers effectively.

Computer Evolution
Image courtesy: TIFR Automatic Calculator (TIFRAC) Bombay

During 1960’s there was non foreign exchange outflow in computer industry. IBM and British Tabulation machines (latter it was renamed as ICL) were established there name by selling Mechanical accounting machines in India. IBM and ICL were issued licenses and agreements in order to established computer manufacturing plant in India, IBM then started making punch card machines and exported them in different countries from India.

The IBM 402 – punched card-based tabulating machine

Phase II

In the year 1970 Department of Electronics was established aiming to enhance technologies of electronics and led to the establishment of computer divisions within PSU company ECIL (Electronics Corporation of India Limited). ECIL designed TDC-12 a 12 bit real time minicomputer in mid of year 1969 it was later upgraded to TDC-312 followed by TDC-316 a 16 bit computer built in 1975. In the year 1978 ECIL made MICRO-78 system which was purely based on microprocessor. ECIL from year 1971 to 1978 made 98 computers that were sold in government laboratories and in different universities for research. ECIL’s major contribution was providing Air Defense Ground Environment Systems to the Indian Air Force.

Air Defense Ground Environment Systems

In year 1978 minicomputer policy was made after the exit of IBM from India that allows technical entrepreneurs who started computer manufacturing like WIPRO and HCL that are still prominent computer industries across the globe.

Phase III

In year 1984 when Rajiv Gandhi became the Prime Minister of India, a liberalized policy was made on minicomputers that allows private sector companies to manufacture computers. In that year private sector companies allowed to manufacture unlimited 32-bit machines. Private sector companies also manufactured assembled boards with microprocessors and interface electronics to be imported along with application software with less imported duty. Due to liberalization policy the growth of computers went up to 100% and 50% decline in cost. Computerization of Indian Railway’s Seat Reservation System was started in year 1984 and completed in 1986. In the Seat Reservation System entire software was made by Indian programmers without any foreign advisers.

Phase IV

In year 1991 India was imposed to a big financial crisis as World Bank bailed out India due to external debt and set conditions that forces Indian government to liberalize the Indian economy.

Annual GDP Growth Rate (%)

In the year 1990-1991 Indian software companies earn by exporting software around more than US$125 million. Earning was exponentially increase around more than US$ 1.70 billion in during year 1997-98 with exact growth of 45% per year. Indian software companies standardized way of working in industries. Indian software companies invented GDM (Global Delivery Model) and 24-hour working hours for IT industry